Working As Normal
02 March 2020
LightMedia still at work supporting our friends/ clients
I wanted to share with you our initial experience during these interesting times with Covid 19 now creating an almost complete lockdown.
There are challenges but in terms of working all is good. We started preparation early February testing our technologies and making sure we could all work remotely. We were fortunate to buy microphone headsets before they became as hard to find as toilet rolls in a supermarket.

So, what works well?
We have a Microsoft Teams video call at the start and the end of each day. This keeps the team communicating, projects moving and allows us all to share personal insights and thoughts. It also allows us to check actions and monitor business progress. This has kept the team together and sane.During this time, we have launched several projects successfully, testament that we can work as normal in these extraordinary times.
What works but has challenged us
Presentations to new potential clients that would normally be face to face is odd. Body language communication is lost and individual poor internet connections can make the presentation challenging sometimes with external noise (and not just from the presenter) 😊
What is worrying?
Seeing the infection rate rise and listening with dread to the latest statistics. Also seeing so many businesses closing or having to deal with big financial shocks. This is where we at LightMedia feel so fortunate that we can continue to operate with a semblance of business normality and at the same time help those businesses who are trying to move their business model online.
What have we found?
How amazingly adaptive we all are to the change. Clients, Potential Clients and Colleagues. We start our third week working in this new way and it feels almost like the new normal. Team banter and humour, it can feel as though you are still in the office.