BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Innovative Revenue Generation Models UID:58 DESCRIPTION:Explore new and creative ways to generate revenue beyond just traditional membership fees.SynopsisThose responsible for managing association’s online offering are under increased pressure to increase revenue from their websites, monetise content and identify additional new revenue streams. This workshop helps you understand what options are available and where to start in identifying new revenue opportunities. Case Studies are used to explain in practical terms how some of these strategies can be adopted. We encourage high levels of participant interaction and discussion on this workshop, so the number of participants is limited.\n\nWho Should AttendIf you are responsible for, or contribute to, the commercial success of your Association or Society’s website, membership management or CRM strategy, then this tailor-made webinar is ideal for you.\n\nContentOn attending the workshop, we will help you understand the potential of:\n\nDigital Sponsorships – how to offer digital sponsorship packagesFreemium Models – where basic services are free but premium are chargeableE-learning and Self Development Resources – explore the potential of on-demand contentVirtual Exhibitions – became the norm during Covid but are now making a comebackConsulting and Mentor Services - to members or non-membersFormatDuration 60 Minutes\n\nStart time 10:00AM\n\nDelivered via Zoom on the LightMedia website\n\nNumber of participants limited to a maximum of 10\n\nDates9th April 2025, 9th July 2025 and 12th November 2025\n\nIndividuals who viewed this webinar also explored the following titlesWhat’s New for 2025Reinventing Your Society Web Site & CRMEffective Member Engagement & Growth StrategiesThese additional titles help build on the knowledge developed during this webinar. Using our co-creation approach, selecting a series of webinars allows you to build a Masterclass collection that responds to your specific needs.\n\nThose attending three webinars or more will receive a complimentary Masterclass Certificate of Attendance.\n\n DTSTART:20251112T100000Z DTEND:20251112T110000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR