BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Digital Transformation - Automating Your Society or Association UID:57 DESCRIPTION:How to leverage technology to streamline processes and improve efficiencySynopsisThere is a big drive currently to engage with membership at a higher level, whilst also automating many of the routine time consuming and tedious administration tasks associated with running a society or association. Self-Serve means empowering your members to manage their own membership from keeping their profile up to date, choosing payment and membership category options, voting online to managing their personal development history. This short webinar helps you understand what is possible through automation whilst exploring real World case studies. We encourage high levels of participant interaction, so the number of delegates is limited.\n\nWho Should AttendIf you are responsible for or contribute to managing your Association or Society’s members by providing administrative support and help, then this tailor-made webinar was created for you.\n\nContentOn attending the workshop, we will help you to understand:\n\nWhat is behind the drive for enhanced efficiencyThe importance of streamlining processes and how this can help maintain member engagementWhat is Self-Serve Membership Management and how this can help your Society or Association growThe benefits of automated systems and processes to both your members and your organisationThat the secret to success is not only understanding your processes but also knowing what is possibleFormatDuration 60 Minutes\n\nStart time 10:00AM\n\nDelivered via Zoom on the LightMedia website\n\nNumber of participants limited to a maximum of 10\n\nDates6th March 2025, 5th June 2025 and 9th October 2025\n\nIndividuals who viewed this webinar also explored the following titlesWhat’s New for 2025Reinventing Your Society Web Site & CRMEffective Member Engagement & Growth StrategiesThese additional titles help build on the knowledge developed during this webinar. Using our co-creation approach, selecting a series of webinars allows you to build a Masterclass collection that responds to your specific needs.\n\nThose attending three webinars or more will receive a complimentary Masterclass Certificate of Attendance.\n\n DTSTART:20241211T100000Z DTEND:20241211T110000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR