BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Reinventing Your Society Web Site & CRM UID:54 DESCRIPTION: A 60 minute guide on where to start and what to considerSynopsisIncreasingly Associations and Societies are under pressure to respond to a more demanding, challenging environment where Members, Trustees and even the Public are demanding more from the Association / Society’s website and associated CRM application. This short webinar will help you to understand what is possible in relation to improving Member engagement, administration efficiency and revenue through exploring real World case studies and examples. We encourage high levels of participant interaction, so the number of delegates is limited.\n\nWho Should AttendIf you are responsible for, or contribute to, your Association or Society’s website, membership management or CRM strategy, then this tailor-made webinar was created for you.\n\nContentOn attending the workshop, we will help you understand:\n\nUsing real World case studies how Societies and Associations are responding to the latest challengesHow to approach a rebuild or upgrade in your current digital capability, where to start and what methodologies work well in delivering resultsHow the latest technology can enable you to reduce routine tasks whilst preparing your society for future growthIn practical terms, what changes can be made and what are the likely benefits from each initiativeHow to identify what easy improvements can be made but also how more complex changes or upgrades need careful planning.FormatDuration 60 Minutes\n\nStart time 10:00AM\n\nDelivered via Zoom on the LightMedia website\n\nNumber of participants limited to a maximum of 10\n\nDates6th February 2025, 8th May 2025 and 18th September 2025\n\nIndividuals who viewed this webinar also explored the following titles:\n\nWhat’s New for 2025Effective Member Engagement & Growth StrategiesDigital Transformation - Automating Your Society or AssociationThese additional titles help build on the knowledge developed during this webinar. Using our co-creation approach, selecting a series of webinars allows you to build a Masterclass collection that responds to your specific needs.\n\nThose attending three webinars or more will receive a complimentary Masterclass Certificate of Attendance.\n\n DTSTART:20240411T090000Z DTEND:20240411T100000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR